It's just over 6 inches tall, and leans back at a 10 degree angle to keep the cards in the shoe. For those of you not familiar with the game, it has 2 decks of cards, the "Door" deck and the "Treasure" deck, which have to be kept separate.
I made it from 1/4" MDF hardboard, a cheap wood normally used in my terrain construction, and some cabinetry, I guess. It's pretty weak material, you wouldn't want to make anything nice out of it, but it is great for hobby stuff. Another thing I wanted to do was build it with no nails or glue, like many of the dice towers and wood terrain I am seeing pop up across our hobby.
The whole project took a couple hours (mostly drafting out what I was going to do) but the material cost were negligible and I am very happy with the structural stability. Now I need to find someone with a laser cutter who will make and sell these for a profit. All I want is a credit, and uh... some free terrain?
I sure hope you see this. I would like to buy the plans off of you to make one of my own. You should try to get someone to mass produce these!