After accumulating quite a pile of random 40K Ork stuff over the years, I decided to take the plunge in 2008 and actually start building an Ork army.
Of course, then I got divorced, moved out of my home, moved in with a friend, moved with my friend and my girlfriend, and finally moved with my girlfriend into my new home. Woof.
Anyway, sometime after my birthday, where my girly bought me a HUGE pile of new Ork stuff, I knuckled down and started putting Exacto to plastic sprue. Now, only 9 months later, the first mob is done.
The bulk of these particular boyz are from the Assault on Black Reach box. They are nice sculpts, easy to clean/build/etc. and I was able to trade for MANY of them. Most new 40K players are Space Marine fans, and I only had to twist a few arms to get enough boys to finish this mob.
The eagle-eyed among you will notice I have them on movement trays in the first picture. These are Lord of the Rings trays from GW, and are nice and reasonably priced. The more savvy 40K players out there are saying, "Aha! where's my pie-plate template??" and, yeah, they are pretty vulnerable to artillery fire. I, however, am here to play Warhammer, not spend all afternoon moving 100+ individual Orks around the battlefield. Template weapons be damned.
I am still calibrating my camera, but I have a few (blurry) close-ups.
I haven't done this in a while, so I need to figure out my camera problems. The lighting is tricky, but I'm working on it.
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